One-Day Allergen Compliance Assessment For Your School

Are you delivering the correct allergen information?

Dukefield Foodservice are offering schools a one-day allergen assessment package to ensure you are complying with all aspects of the Allergen law (2014) and the new legislation (01.10.21) in relation to Natasha’s Law.

Our team can evaluate all the necessary aspects of what you need to be providing to ensure you are fulfilling your legal obligations with regards to allergen management

 Why not put you mind at rest knowing that you have all the necessary procedures, paperwork and controls in place.

Our Allergen support offer is in high demand, spaces are filling up fast, so book and secure your date today - email

 Ask yourself and consider the following:

  • Are there fully documented and communicated Allergen procedures in your kitchen?

  •  Have you organised your process for managing the change to food labelling laws being implemented in the catering industry from 1st October 2021?

  •  Have you got a complete and up to date Allergen management policy in place?

  •  Is the whole catering team all trained and up to date with Allergen Management? 

 If you have answered No, or are unsure of any of the above questions, we can help and support you.

You can access more information specifically for Schools, Colleges and Nurseries here.